Amigos de Presidio Heights
Spanish Immersion
Amigos Presidio Heights preschool offers a nurturing, fun, and developmentally appropriate Spanish immersion environment for children ages 2-5 years old. We are a year-round, full-day art-based preschool offering full and part-time schedules. Schedule a Tour
Daily Schedule
8:00 Arrival: Sign-In & Free Play Time
9:15 Morning Snack (Bathroom Break)
9:30 Circle time & Calendar / Puppet show
10:00 Learning Centers (language arts / math / science / social studies)/Arts and Crafts
10:30 Outdoor Free Play / Guided Outdoor Games
11:30 Lunch (Bathroom Break)
12:00 Nap time
2:30 Wake up & Bathroom break
3:15 Afternoon Snack time
3:30 Music & Movement / Time for Rhyme / Story Time
3:45 Outdoor Free Play / Guided Outdoor Games
4:15 Story Time/ Indoor Free Play
4:35 Learning Centers (language arts /math /science/ social studies /fine motor skills)
5:00 Dismissal